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A Handbook On Cyber Security


Security is everyone’s business, but not everyone has the  training and the expertise to ensure cyber security in their workplace, or even to protect their electronic gadgets at home.

What is cyber security, any way?  It is the practice of protecting electronic devices and systems such telecommuncations terminal, computers, phones, and point of sale terminals, and other devices from digtal attacks,damages, or unauthorised access.  Cyber attacks and intrusion can come in the form of malware,hacking, phishing, and other online threats. The primary purpose of cyber security is to prevent these attacks and to keep proprietary and sensitive information and systems safe and secured.

Cyber insecuirty is becoming pervasive and it is arising from several factors such as lack of effective secuirty measures, weak passwords, outdated software and hardware, and a lack of employee trainig on secuirty best practices.   Furthermore, the increasing use of connected devices, shared networks, and the expanding internet networks and internet of things are major sources of exposure to cyber threats and insecuirty.  As more new technological innovations are emerging, the desterity and skills of cyber criminals are also increassing day by day.

This handbook, among other important lessons, reminds everyone and every organization to take 100 percent responsibility for their cyber security . There is no doubt that almost every organization agrees tothe fact that the ability to protect its information systems from impairment, or even theft, is essential to success and survival.